Hindmarsh Shire Council

Hindmarsh Shire is situated in central north west Victoria, approximately 350kms north west of Melbourne. Hindmarsh Shire - alive with opportunity.

This page is a space for Hindmarsh Shire Council to share information with the community, and for community members to talk to Council. We encourage you to use the page to get involved in conversations about Hindmarsh Shire, and how we can make it better.

Material posted on this page must not:

- Be defamatory, unlawful, obscene, abusive, threatening, harassing or hateful
- Be irrelevant - posts on the page must relate to Hindmarsh or Hindmarsh Shire Council, and comments must relate to the original post
- Infringe on the rights of any third party, including intellectual property or privacy rights
- Be posted, in the same form, more than once (i.e. spamming)

Council may delete posts or comments that violate these rules.

Feedback about road maintenance issues is to be submitted by referring to Hindmarsh Shire's website, www.hindmarsh.vic.gov.au or by contacting the Customer Service Centres on 5391 4444.

Government organization